Current Conditions

FktWx LogoBlitzortung Performance

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Frankfort Weather Network Impulse Data Last 2 Hours — This table data may have up to 2min delay. Time is UTC 24hr —
North America 1 (NA Global) — Updates @ 1 min — All GLOBAL stations localizing Atlantic, Pacific, Americas.
North America 2 (NA  Local) — Updates @ 1 min — NORTH AMERICA stations ONLY localized.
Systems also support South America, Europe and Africa global sub-networks.

Absolute number of signals sent past two hours Signals accepted by server after simple checks. Signals assigned to lightning strikes. Signals used for LOCATION calculation.

Sampled Raw Impulse VLF energy spectrum. Polled examples may not reflect the same signal across displays.
May be 'blank' depending on network, data activity extremes, server cache purge..
Additional 'real-time' "Server Processed' station and channel data can be selected at the "Server Signal' menu list below.

Live Signals and Channel Data: lightbox links
689 Server
689 Server + FFT
689 Server LAST + FFT
791 Server
791 Server + FFT
791 Server LAST + FFT
1439 Server
1439 Server + FFT
1439 Server LAST + FFT
3020 Server
3020 Server + FFT
3020 Server LAST + FFT

title graphic info (info)

Performance history links — last 28 days:
4 Week Ratios Region NA1
4 Week Ratios Region NA2
4 Week Ratios Region NA1
4 Week Ratios Region NA2
4 Week Ratios Region NA1
4 Week Ratios Region NA2
4 Week Ratios Region NA1
4 Week Ratios Region NA2

Near / Distant Detection Ranging: Last 10 Days
689 range
791 range
1439 range 1439 range

Frankfort Weather.US provides 18 channels of VLF impulse data, using 3 receiver versions in various configurations.
Normally, all H field (M) channels operate in Vertical polarization mode, and E channel charge probe considered 'omni'.
1439 may configure H2 (channel C), for Horizontal mode, while H0 and H1 move from Delta 60° to dual 90°.
689 CURRENT H Config: A (H0), B (H1): Dual 90° Vertical Pol 300x7.5mm Ferrite Core CSS Thingy build
791 CURRENT H Config: A (H0), B (H1): Dual 90° Vertical Pol 80t Split Coil 305mm Wheel xLoops
1439 CURRENT H Config: A (H0), B (H1), C (H2): Delta 60° Vertical Pol 80t Split Coil 305mm Wheel xLoops
3020 CURRENT H Config: A (H0), B (H1), C (H2): Delta 60° Vertical Pol 80t Split Coil 300mm Wheel xLoops

Blitzortung receivers detect atmospheric discharges, however
the network in normal mode only attempts definition and location of Cloud to Ground lightning discharges.

Stations do NOT register ALL activity
H Propagation
H Propagation
Controller Status
All systems operate in full manual mode: Relative Gain ADC computational reference trigger level of 100mv.
No 'automatic' functions are normally activated.
Those parameters would change ONLY under extreme conditions or experimental purposes.
